Open PhD position in Secure Hardware for Postquantum Cryptography (University of Stuttgart)

Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.
  • Post Date: September 4, 2021
  • Applications 1
  • Views 469
Job Overview

Open PhD position in Secure Hardware for Postquantum Cryptography at the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with Thales

Post-quantum secure encryption and cybersecurity education - Research Outreach

The Institute for Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering (Institut für Technische Informatik, ITI) at the University of Stuttgart seeks applications for a research position in the field of secure hardware for postquantum cryptography.  The position is associated with the BMBF project QuantumQAP, which aims at developing hybrid quantum-classical optimization methods for improving secure FPGA implementations of postquantum algorithms. The work will involve Thales Germany in Ditzingen close to Stuttgart and three further partners; tight collaboration including regular visits to project partners’ sites will be expected.  The position is foreseen for PhD candidates.

Located in Stuttgart, one of Europe’s main economic hubs, the Institute offers you an inspiring working atmosphere in a successful international team.  The remuneration is according to the German public-service salary grade TV-L E13. Part-time employment, or a combination with a teaching-assistant position associated with a teaching load, are possible.

To qualify for this position, you need an above-average Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related discipline.  Moreover, we expect proven skills or experiences in at least one of the three areas listed below (and credible interest in the other two):

  1. Design of digital circuits on FPGA platforms, including their specification in VHDL, synthesis, simulation on different levels of abstraction.
  2. Hardware-oriented security, ideally with a focus on resilience of cryptographic implementations against physical attacks (side-channel analysis, fault-injections).
  3. Applied post-quantum cryptography, with an in-depth knowledge of the NIST finalists CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM, FALCON, Classic McElliece, and SIKE KEM.

To apply, please send, by email, your cover letter (explicitly explaining your interest in the topic and pointing out which of the three above-mentioned areas you feel competent in), CV and scans of your Master’sand Bachelor’s degree certificates including the transcripts with all grades.  You can add, optionally, reference letters, existing publications, or other supplementary materials you consider relevant, or links to such materials.  We will not answer applications which do not discuss qualifications for this project. The University is pursuing a gender equality policy and therefore particularly encourages qualified women to apply.  Handicapped persons will be given priority if they are equally qualified.

Deadline: Please send your application to before October 15, 2021.


HOCOS – Open Positions | Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering | University of Stuttgart (



Job Detail
  • Offered SalaryNot Specified
  • Career LevelNot Specified
  • ExperienceNot Specified
  • GenderBoth
  • INDUSTRYEducation
  • QualificationMaster's Degree(M.Sc.)
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