How To Follow Up on a Job Application or Interview


How To Follow Up on a Job Application or Interview

Awaiting responses is one of the frustrating moments in the process of job hunting. Recruiters usually take time as the hiring processes can be lengthy in some instances. In situations like this, you are left with the two options of waiting a bit longer or following up on your job application. Although following up is not mandatory in all cases, it has the potential of conveying your interest in joining the company. Therefore, if the follow-up is done properly, there are chances that it can add up to your competitive advantage among other applicants. Let’s further discuss what approaches should be taken to follow up on a job application in the right way.

The right time to follow up on a job application

A job application follow-up simply refers to communicating to the particular hiring manager or the recruiting department with the intention of getting an update on your submitted job application or resume for a published job post. Before you start following up, it is recommended to go through the job posting one more time to check if the recruiter has mentioned any kind of information about recruitment timelines or guidelines to follow up on job applications. Unless the job posting mentions otherwise, the ideal time to do a follow-up would be after 1-2 weeks from the day you applied. As mentioned earlier, hiring processes can sometimes consume a lot of time and recruiter effort. This results in the delay of responses from recruiting managers to candidates. Moreover, certain companies have mandatory candidate vetting procedures that take a couple of additional days. Therefore, you should patiently give the required time to the recruiting managers to finalize all these processes; also, following up unnecessarily can make a negative impression on your candidacy as it might show a sense of desperation. In order to make the follow-up attempt effective there are a few valuable tips that you can follow. These points can be useful for both instances of following up after a job application or after you had your interview with the potential employer.

The ideal approach to be taken

The first and the most important point to be considered is picking up the right time to do your follow-up. Undoubtedly, we all are busy on Mondays and Fridays; so, make sure to avoid these two days and stick to a mid-weekday. The ideal time of the day would be late morning or an early afternoon and make sure to avoid the lunch hour. Secondly, you must find the right contact person as your follow-up will mean nothing to someone who has no idea of your application or information about the job posting. Once you find the correct contact information, you can write out a follow-up email or give the recruiter a call. However, you must keep your message short, clear, and concise as it will be for the receiver to respond to your query. In a situation where you already had your first interview, one of the best ways to open up the communication channel is to send out a thank you note within 24 hours. This initial short email showing your interest will impact positively in the next email, which is the follow-up email you are going to send.

Drafting your follow-up email

The tone of your email plays a major role here; therefore, be mindful to use your tone in a way that creates a polite and professional impression. The subject line you are going to include should have the ability to get your email opened up immediately. Replying to the most recent email you have received from the recruiter with the subject changed to your name and the interview details would be a recommended approach. It is always better if you have an introduction with a professional salutation if you do not know the recruiter in first-name terms or on a personal level. One important point that should be considered while you are drafting the body of the email is to have short and concise paragraphs. There is no harm in being thankful for the interview opportunity you got, therefore, that will make a good start. Next, mention the specifics about the interview and the job post that you are following up, showing a bit of eagerness in wanting to know of an update. Restate your interest in joining the company and that you are awaiting information on the next steps to be followed. Lastly, sign off with an appreciation and show that you are looking forward to hearing from the recruiter.

Following up via phone

Following via calling the recruiter is totally acceptable unless the job posting advert states otherwise. There will be different strategies for leaving a voicemail and carrying out the conversation if your call is being picked up by the recruiter. Firstly, the strategy for voicemails should be to greet and state your full name, mention that you are following up on the job application or the interview by giving the full details of the date and job post. Next, mention that you are willing to give any additional information that is required upon request. Lastly, end your voicemail by stating your phone number that the recruiter can call back anytime, and a sense of gratitude. In a situation where your call is being picked up, start the conversation with a greeting followed by your full name and mention that you have applied for the specific job post. Patiently wait for a response from the recruiter to know if it is a good time to talk. Based on the recruiter’s response, either let them lead the update details or give them more information about your job application or details about your interview held.

In conclusion

Job hunting is not an easy task, and it may become exhausting sometimes as it takes quite a lot of energy. Always keep in mind that following up has the potential to boost up positive impressions; therefore, be always polite and professional.



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